
Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong

Habitat has been serving the local community in Hong Kong since 2004. Our mission is bringing people together to improve housing conditions in Hong Kong and build homes overseas, giving a hand-up to people in need and strengthening communities to be self-reliant and resilient.

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Our Project Home Works programme fills a critical service and resource gap by providing cleaning, repair, renovation and modification services for vulnerable families, elderly and people with disabilities living in public rental housing. We work with local NGOs and social workers to identify families most in need of our services.

Project School Works

Since 2016, Habitat Hong Kong has run a youth engagement programme, Project School Works, which aims to provide pupils in primary and secondary schools in  underserved areas, with a bright and cheerful school environment. We aim to foster community caring, social awareness of housing issues and create a learning environment the children can be proud of.

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Since 1976, Habitat for Humanity has helped more than 46 million people build or improve the place they call home.

In FY2022, Habitat for Humanity helped more than 7.1 million people build or improve the place they call home.

More than 700,000 volunteers helped build, advocate and raise awareness about the global need for shelter in the past fiscal year

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